About Grace

Introducing… Grace!

For those of you who are interested, I’m Grace and I’m currently a Master student of ‘European Studies on Society, Science and Technology‘ (ESST) at Maastricht University. Four other students and I were asked to start a blog about our experiences as a Master student here in Maastricht, so here we go…

Just to give a short introduction about who I am, I’d like to start by saying that the one question I dread answering when I first meet people is ‘where are you from?’. The truth of the matter is that I’m never sure how to answer it simply, and here’s perhaps why: I was born in Paris, France to a Dutch father and a Congolese mother. When I was four the company my father worked for transferred our family to San Francisco, California and then seven years later, we were transferred back to Europe where I attended an international school in Brussels, Belgium for middle and high school. In the end, I’m not sure which country I would identify with the most, but Maastricht is where my home is. I came here as a Bachelor student in 2007 and graduated just last summer from the Liberal Arts faculty (University College Maastricht), where I focused in Media and Communication Sciences. I was thrilled to hear about the ESST program where I could incorporate my own personal enthusiasm for science and technology in my academic work (and even more thrilled when I was accepted!)

Having spent so much time in Maastricht, right now it’s hard to imagine living anywhere else, but taking a look at my track record, I can imagine that I will probably live abroad again. I am quite excited about the idea of blogging about my final experiences here (at least as a student) for myself, but some of you reading might also find it interesting to get a student’s perspective about university life here as an addition to the information that’s available on the website.

1 Response to About Grace

  1. Samuel says:

    Hi Grace!

    Thanks for starting this blog! it would be great to see the student’s perspective on this course.

    I will be enrolling in this course this coming fall 11′ and like you, I am very multi-cultural. I was born in Venezuela to Venezuelan and Romanian parents, studied my bachelor’s in the US and now live and work in India. I’m super excited about Maastricht and this course!

    Hope to see more posts soon


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