About Sarah

Hello, hallo and merhaba!

I’m Sarah and I’m as well currently a Master student of ESST. Usually the second question after “What is your name?” is “So where are you from?”…..like Grace I share the same feeling of not certainly knowing how to respond to this seemingly simple question. Lets give it a try: I was born and raised in Germany – which makes me a German. My mother is Turkish and my father is German – which makes me less German but mixed with Turkishness. At home we speak Turkish with my mother and my brother, but outside we usually speak German or Turkish depending on which shops we are entering. I lived two years in Italy, where I finished my high-school and then ended up happily in Netherlands, Maastricht – where I did my Bachelors in “Arts and Culture” and specialised into “Cultures of Knowledge” , the science and technology track.

After the Bachelors and three years of Maastricht, I did not feel the urge to change places yet – I must admit, I consider Maastricht as my second home now. I have met my boyfriend Alex during the Bachelors in Maastricht and now we are studying ESST together. Additionally, the ESST Master content of studies seemed to fit exactly to what we were specialising during the Bachelors and what I expected from it:

How can one analyse the relationship between science, technology and society? Which analytical tools are being offered to examine such an intimate relationship? What does it mean when society shapes technology and vice versa? What are the socio-economical dynamics driving innovation? To what extent is technological development politically motivated? – such questions are few examples we were discussing during our first semester in many seminars and lectures.

Now, I am in the beginning of my second semester abroad together with my boyfriend: in Aarhus, Denmark!

I will post some of my experiences in this blog and hope that they will help to get an idea of what ESST can mean. Please feel free to comment and ask questions! 🙂

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