Category Archives: Goind Abroad

The ESST program offers the possibility to go abroad for the second semester. Luckily it is the summer semester, so the days get longer and the host country is getting brider and more colourful. In this section some reflections on our experiences will show how a second semster abroad can look like during the final months of an ESST MA.

Studying in Aarhus – week 3!

“Say this: Røde frugter gelé med fløde!” and other challenging tongue twisters are the moments of pure joy for many of our Danish fellow students. Funnily, the Danes are very well aware how difficult their language (especially the pronunciation) is … Continue reading

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Semester abroad: Arriving in Aarhus – week 1!

Hej, lykkelig, glæde og forventningsfuld! This and more inexpressible words are the new sounds of communication one hears when arriving in Aarhus. (Spell: Ooohus) Aarhus in Denmark is the city I chose for my second semester of ESST (from 01.02. … Continue reading

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